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Somnath and Mahmood Ghaznavi

Mahmood Ghaznavi's famous Somnath attack and the resulting misunderstandings are discussed in detail. Old manuscripts in all languages Sanskrit, Gujarati, Hindi, Persian from the ninth century to the eighteenth century, and antiquities from the third excavation of Somnath in 1951 are discussed at the Somnath Temple. The poetry and travelogues of Hindu poets from the eleventh and twelfth centuries are highlighted in particular. Many books were written even before the invasion of Mahmood Ghaznavi.

Romela Thapar, professor of Delhi University, has found the way that Somnath Jo was otherwise called Somnath Pattan, Som Shawar Pattan, and Deo Pattan, referring to many books, articles, and antiquated stone books. Mahmood won't ever destroy. Thapar says that in those days there were homes of large and significant sanctuaries and inside them, there was gigantic abundance amassed as contributions. In any event, when a Hindu ruler attacked these locales he would get back to these sanctuaries and regularly take the icon remaining there with him as an indication of his triumph. Mahmood did likewise as the Hindu ruler before him. Used to however not all things are as it is today. There is no engraving on any of the compositions or found stones of this period that Somnath has abandoned later Mahmood's intrusion however it is composed that later his attack Somnath stayed occupied and loved there.

As per Romela Thapar's examination, it was the British rulers who advanced this philosophy under the procedure of "separation and rule", particularly later the War of Independence of 1857 in which Muslims and Hindus were similarly involved. It was extraordinary so that the Hindus might be able to perceive how the Muslims were persecuting you. They annihilated Somnath while we respect your places of love. The mission begins with a debate before the British Parliament in 1843, dubbed "The Proclamation of Gates," by Governor-General Ellen Brough. Mahmood Ghaznavi as a raider before 1857 isn't referenced in any book or language of the world. Emissary of India the Viscount Earl canning 1858-1862 Charles John promoted Mahmood as a marauder later the War of Independence. He referenced this in a discourse in the British Parliament which was passed by the Parliament by a mind-boggling greater part and spread all over India. Furthermore, British and Indian English papers started to expound on it continually.


Thapar says that Mahmood Ghaznavi's weapons are as yet sung in people's melodies. Faqir of Somnath and Sadhu Mahmood think about Ghaznavi a story saint. Assuming he was only a plunderer, an adversary of sanctuaries, for what reason would he be portrayed in Hindu society melodies? Later we additionally indiscriminately acknowledged this philosophy made by the British. Thapar additionally composes that there were various Muslim brokers in the Somnath region who exchanged ponies. Among them were Arabs who had embraced Indian culture by wedding neighborhood ladies. In his travelogue, Marco Polo also mentions the traders of Somnath and Gujarat who used to transport ponies from Iran and sell them in India. These dealers imported ponies, wine, and metals from abroad and traded Indian garments, flavors, gems, wood, and swords. The Somnath region was a significant focus of exchange. One part of Thapar's exploration is that the sanctuaries in Kohistan Namak were extremely poor. The abundance was uniquely in the sanctuaries of Thanesar, Multan, and Somnath. The greater part of them were Hindus and was among the people who assaulted these sanctuaries. The authority of the relative multitude of warriors enrolled in India was likewise an Indian who was known as a Hindu general and was faithful to Mahmood.

Mahmood Ghaznavi attacked Somnath in 1026. After twelve years, in 1038, the neighborhood Raja Kadamba of Goa made an imperial visit to Somnath, on which he additionally composed a travelog. Which is concealed in the Sanskrit language. As indicated by him, the sanctuary was not obliterated yet was befouled by Mahmood's powers. What's more the political incomparability in the Somnath sanctuary district was finished. What's more, it was fixed later the assault. What's more the wonder of the sanctuary remained. A record of the excursion from Goa to Somnath is additionally found in an engraving of 1125. During the illustrious journey, the lord's boat was destroyed in a storm and an Arab trader saved the ruler's life. As a trade-off for this assistance, the lord made the grandson of an Arab money manager the chairman of the domain and permitted him to construct a mosque. As per Raja Kumar Pal of the twelfth century Gujarati Cholukia administration, the Mangra sanctuary of Rajasthan was substandard compared to Somnath in magnificence. As per a twelfth-century engraving found at Mangral close to Somnath, the Somnath sanctuary was wealthy in contributions to the divine beings and goddesses.

An 11th-century ruler had requested that the journey to the Somnath sanctuary be made tax-exempt and that no duty be paid on the way across the stream span or through the domain of a nearby lord. By the twelfth century, the Somnath sanctuary had become so rich that gold and silver were stacked up. The engraving of Cholukia ruler Kumarapala shows that he had selected a lead representative to secure Somnath, whose occupation was to shield the sanctuary's abundance from the loot and plundering of the nearby Abhira rulers. Kumar Pal had delegated Bhao Brahaspati in 1169 as Somnath's Gand, the High Priest. The fundamental obligation of this priest was to keep the sanctuary possessed and keep it from becoming ruined in light of the fact that later Mahmood Ghaznavi the sanctuary had become bedraggled which was not connected with the assault however one reason for the run-down condition was the monetary support of the sanctuary by Kal Yag. Needed to surrender The other sanctuary building was exceptionally old and had no workforce. The third explanation was that the sanctuary was so near the ocean that the waves and dampness could harm the structure.

A couple of years after the fact, in 1216, the then Cholokiya ruler Somnath was shielding the sanctuary from being plundered by the Hindu lords of Malwa. As per Bhadar Kali's engraving, Bhubar Haspati claims that he is the person who arranged Kumarpal to reconstruct the sanctuary. He says that the first sanctuary was made of gold which was subsequently changed to a silver sanctuary by eliminating gold lastly silver was taken out and transformed into a sanctuary of stones. The income of Brahmapuri town was utilized to expand the pay of the sanctuary and the pay of the priests.

It's remarkable that the attack of Mahmood Ghaznavi isn't mentioned in so many Sanskrit Prakrit and Jani texts. Assuming anything is written in them, then, at that point, the sanctuaries are really run down that their development is essential and the notice of breaking the symbols of the sanctuary is about the nearby Hindu lords who used to assault the Somnath sanctuary to plunder abundance. Mahmood Ghaznavi's assaults would have been however tragic and deplorable as the cases may be present. Along these lines, 200 years later the assaults, would be forgotten so that there is no notice in any book of the annihilation and plundering of the sanctuary by Mahmood Ghaznavi. Assuming there is a notice, it is just that Mahmood left a little armed force at Somnath Pattan coming back and delegated Dab Shalam as his lead representative.

In his poetry, Dhan Pal, a contemporary of Mahmood Ghaznavi and a poet of Malwa's Bhoj Darbar, mentions his Gujarat campaign. Mahmood neglected to break the sculpture of Mahavira in the Jain sanctuary at Satyapur in Rajasthan while he broke the enormous symbol of Somnath yet didn't annihilate the sanctuary and plunder the property. Additionally, Prabhar Suri likewise composed that Mahmood's elephants couldn't break the Mahavir sculpture. Indeed, even the renowned Kashmir artist Balhana came to Somnath in 1076, 50 years later Mahmood. He remained in the Cholokia court of Gujarat. Kiran Sundri additionally composed a play. He composed itemized records of individuals of Gujarat and referenced exhaustively Mahmood Ghaznavi's assault on Ismaili Shias in Multan yet didn't specify Mahmood Ghaznavi's Somnath assault.

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This appears to be major amazement. The reasons are given for Mahmood Ghaznavi's assault on Somnath. In Gujarat, counterparts of Ghaznavi and after 200 years, journalists and artists didn't specify the obliteration of Somnath by Mahmood and loot of riches. Assuming it had been a major and significant occasion, books would have been filled in this time. History demonstrates that Somnath's assault, similar to any remaining assaults, had defense and outcomes. Furthermore, for a really long time, Mahmood was recollected in kind words rather than plunderers. It was the British who really began this paranoid notion. Furthermore, planted the seeds of contempt among the Hindus. Then, at that point, some of them lost all sense of direction in this interaction. In our visual deficiency, we have diminished the height of this incredible companion of information, the vanquisher Mahmood Ghaznavi, to the position of icon breaker and thief, who, as indicated by Edwards Gibbons, was a more prominent hero than Alexander the Great of Macedonia.

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